IN A WORLD where only dreamers survive, a girl is born. Kim Braun, aka miK, found herself randomly placed in a family of musicians in Ohio. Both of her parents studied music in college and met at the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). miK has fond memories of the "Braun Family Players" – eldest sister on flute, brother on trombone, other sister on oboe, herself on French Horn, mother on piano and father singing – performing music as a favorite pastime. Although she no longer owns a horn, miK also studied piano from an early age and still tinkers on occasion to this day.
IN A WORLD where not all musicians starve, that girl composes herself a feast. Her musical upbringing seemed to compel her to graduate Cum Laude from CCM with a Bachelor’s degree in music composition, and complete a year of the Master’s program as well. While there, she studied composition with Dr. T. Scott "Doc" Huston (fond memories of lessons in a cigar smoke-filled office), Allen Sapp, Dr. Joel Hoffman and Dr. Frederic Bianchi. miK holds much respect for all four instructors, however she believes it was Doc who had the greatest influence on the development of her compositional abilities.
IN A WORLD where no one gets left behind, a young woman’s scenery is about to change. After college life, miK left conservative Cincinnati and traveled to Austin, Texas – "Live Music Capital Of The World" – with her fiancé. Once in Austin, she pursued a career in non-profit arts-group fundraising and management as her fiancé, then husband, completed graduate school. They now reside in Tucson, Arizona and her career focus has returned to her music, with an emphasis on writing film scores. But it’s a dry heat.
IN A WORLD where only you can prevent forest fires, Kim Braun stars as "The Infiltrator." A composer, pianist and artist who enjoys hiking in the desert, dining with friends, writing poetry to generate her own lyrics, and watching films, miK is also a member of ASCAP (the American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers), the American Music Center, the Film Music Network, the Independent Film Association of Southern Arizona, and the Sigma Alpha Iota Professional Music Fraternity for Women. In addition, it should be noted that Kim is determined to infiltrate the "old boys network" that seems to pervade the worlds of composition and filmmaking.
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